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After almost a year of traveling full-time, I kind of thought we had messed up.  Or maybe that we didn't hear from God correctly. In either case, it seemed like we needed a redirect. 


And that is just what we got.


Our initial goal for our traveling was dual purpose. We have a home business that we wanted to help grow, but more important to us was our goal of inviting people into a relationship with Jesus. But things had proven to be really challenging. Our business wasn’t growing the way it was before, and we didn’t feel like we had very many opportunities to share Jesus with people. We were discouraged.


We felt like we’d just been wandering.  



Then, in April of 2019, we were sitting in the parking lot of a church in Staunton, Virginia with four other families that we had just met. All of us living in RVs. All of us with similar stories of God sending us out. All of us wanting more. 


To hear the hearts of our friends, and to see how God was moving in and through them, gave us courage that we were, in fact, on the right track. It gave us the courage to continue ​traveling. 


Today we are finding more families that feel called to one of three groups. Not everyone we meet feels this way, and I’m in no way claiming that this calling makes people more spiritual, but maybe you are feeling a stirring that you can’t quite put a finger on. I’m here to tell you, you're not alone.


HUBS: The first group of people we’ve begun to find are feeling called to be a hub. A hub is a person or family that has a home, or maybe some land, and they are willing to be a host for people that are traveling. 


CIRCUIT RIDERS: The second group of people (the ones we seem to relate to the most) are more like the old Circuit Riders. They live in some type of mobile home and they are traveling around the country with the goal of sharing Jesus with people and building the Kingdom family. 


The third group would like to be part of what God is doing, but you're not sure how. For these folks, we'd like to recommend some options



PRAYER: The most obvious thing you can do, and certainly the most impactful is to pray for God to send workers into His harvest, and to pray for the workers that are being sent. The past few months have been some of the toughest we've ever experienced as a family. Between financial struggles, physical struggles, and spiritual attacks, we've dealt with something new every day.


FINANCIAL SUPPORT: You can also join the crusade through financial giving. Since Jim stepped away from the ministry we’ve been a single income family. While this wouldn’t be as big a deal under normal circumstances (we’ve done it before) the demands of travel have sometimes stretched us to the max and kept us from getting a more normal job to help pay the bills. And we aren’t alone. Other families we travel with don’t have any steady source of income but are trying to answer God’s call to “go”, even if it’s here in the United States. 

Our country is on the precipice of revival. The signs are everywhere. We see people hearing God speak in ways that we’d never experienced before, and it’s becoming more and more common. 

If you would like to be a part of what God is doing please join us in praying. If you would like some specific prayer points you can ask to be part of our prayer team. 

If you would like to contribute financially please reach out to us. We have seen God provide in miraculous ways. Maybe He is asking you to be another miracle to us. 

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